Dexter, Assistance Dog Extraordinaire, spent the day at the vet, having an x-ray on his back and hips. This was more of a precaution than anything, as his sore back was most likely a result of too much rough play from Mack, but I was happy to have it done, just to be sure. Happily, other than a very small amount of wear on his hip joints (normal for his age), his hips and back are all fine.

However, he has a couple of vertebrae in his neck that have a small overgrowth of bone. This is currently unrelated to his back injury, and is probably not causing him any discomfort, but I'm really glad I know about it.
The vet thinks it might have been caused by repeated jerks on the neck, although he also said that it could also just be they way he's built. But just in case, I've decided to not put his lead on his collar anymore, just on his harness.
So he's home again now, sleeping off the anaesthetic. I still have to rest him for a couple of weeks, and I have some painkillers to squirt onto his food, but he's fine.

However, he has a couple of vertebrae in his neck that have a small overgrowth of bone. This is currently unrelated to his back injury, and is probably not causing him any discomfort, but I'm really glad I know about it.
The vet thinks it might have been caused by repeated jerks on the neck, although he also said that it could also just be they way he's built. But just in case, I've decided to not put his lead on his collar anymore, just on his harness.
So he's home again now, sleeping off the anaesthetic. I still have to rest him for a couple of weeks, and I have some painkillers to squirt onto his food, but he's fine.
So pleased that the old boy is OK. You can blame me again as I have a few little overgrowths in the neck - been told it's old age. The cheek of it!!! Yet another of those I got it from Mum things I suppose, although I am not so sure it goes as far as Dexter. \ps have gor so far as seting up a blog 'jenny and dave at sea' but not filled it in yet as my fingers have frozen.