Last month (December 2012), I ended up with seven smiley faces on my calendar.
Each smiley represents an effort at getting intentional exercise (as Dr Phil would say). This month is was mostly swimming, but I have also included walks with Dexter. I haven't included incidental exercise, such as the slog along the carpeted corridors at the RBWH, although sometimes I think I should; it's hard work!
I started my smiley reward system in 2012, as a way of acknowledging my attempts to get healthier. I needed some kind of reward for making the effort, but it had to be something that wasn't food or money! I have a childish love of stickers, so smiley faces on the calendar (which hangs above my desk) it was.
It didn't get off to a great start, as was always feeling too exhausted to possibly go swimming or - gods forbid - go to the gym.
Smileys in 2012:
January: 0
February: 3
March: 1
April: 1
May: 0
June: 1
July: 2
August: 1
September: 0
October: 1
November: 2
December: 7
At the end of September 2012, it became very clear why I was having such difficulties in getting myself to the pool or the gym: I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.
Having been on thyroid replacement therapy since October 2012, I am feeling much, much better. I still have to deal with pain and fatigue associated with my hip condition, but I no longer feel like an utter zombie.
I also have to thank my good friend Steve, as he helped get me back into regular swimming, by making swimming "appointments" with me, that I then felt I had to honour.
My lofty smiley goal for January 2013 is 12. I'd love it to be more, but I do have to be careful that I don't make myself too tired and sore from excessive exercise! I haven't been to the gym yet, either, which is another aim for 2013.
I resume my uni studies in a couple of weeks, and although I only have one class on campus this semester, being fitter and healthier is going to make getting there, and to and from the library, much easier.
Each smiley represents an effort at getting intentional exercise (as Dr Phil would say). This month is was mostly swimming, but I have also included walks with Dexter. I haven't included incidental exercise, such as the slog along the carpeted corridors at the RBWH, although sometimes I think I should; it's hard work!
I started my smiley reward system in 2012, as a way of acknowledging my attempts to get healthier. I needed some kind of reward for making the effort, but it had to be something that wasn't food or money! I have a childish love of stickers, so smiley faces on the calendar (which hangs above my desk) it was.
It didn't get off to a great start, as was always feeling too exhausted to possibly go swimming or - gods forbid - go to the gym.
Smileys in 2012:
January: 0
February: 3
March: 1
April: 1
May: 0
June: 1
July: 2
August: 1
September: 0
October: 1
November: 2
December: 7
At the end of September 2012, it became very clear why I was having such difficulties in getting myself to the pool or the gym: I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.
Having been on thyroid replacement therapy since October 2012, I am feeling much, much better. I still have to deal with pain and fatigue associated with my hip condition, but I no longer feel like an utter zombie.
I also have to thank my good friend Steve, as he helped get me back into regular swimming, by making swimming "appointments" with me, that I then felt I had to honour.
My lofty smiley goal for January 2013 is 12. I'd love it to be more, but I do have to be careful that I don't make myself too tired and sore from excessive exercise! I haven't been to the gym yet, either, which is another aim for 2013.
I resume my uni studies in a couple of weeks, and although I only have one class on campus this semester, being fitter and healthier is going to make getting there, and to and from the library, much easier.
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