I often struggle to get to sleep, and to stay asleep. Occasionally I can't sleep at all at night. There are various reasons for this: sometimes I'm in too much pain, sometimes it's too hot, sometimes I get restless legs, sometimes the neighbours are noisy and sometimes my cat decides he's hungry (or a combination of some or all of the above). Then there is the most common reason: my brain won't stop. And that's the most difficult one to fix. For other things I can take more painkillers, put on the fan, shut the window or feed the cat. I've still not found a way to turn my brain off!! Tonight I'm thinking about why I didn't get the job I interviewed for last week, and I keep mentally composing an email to ask them why I was unsuccessful. "Dear Africa (that's her name), As I haven't heard from you since my interview, I am assuming I have not got the position. Are you able to offer me feedback as to why I was unsuccessful?" I'll...
Personal reflections from my life as a high school teacher with a disability.