According to the vet, it's most likely that Freddy is the instigator of the fights he's been getting into. Based on the scratches on his head and chin, that is. I took him to the vet today to get his FIV vaccine. He didn't have it when I adopted him, as he was going to be an indoor cat, but now that he's been out a few times - firstly by escaping, and lately by my allowing him out - he needs to have his FIV vax. As he's already been in some scrapes, and been scratched and punctured a few times, he was also tested to see if he had already contracted the virus. Preliminary tests look like he's OK, and I'll find out in about 3 months for sure. The vet had to check Fred for a fever, but Fred kept clamping down on the themometer whenever the vet tried to insert it! I really don't blame him; surely they can take a temperature some other way?!? But no fever, which indicates he doesn't have any infections going on. I have to keep an eye on h...
Personal reflections from my life as a high school teacher with a disability.